Best Foods for Hair Growth After FUE

Among the best foods for hair growth after FUE, there are fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, keratin-rich protein sources, foods containing vitamin A and whole grains containing iron, zinc, vitamin B.

The role nutrition plays in hair growth is undeniable with science to back it up. Not only maintaining overall good health during your recovery is paramount for your hair health but you should also consider adding specific food groups into your diet to promote healthy hair generation. If you want to accelerate your recovery you need to make sure to target certain food groups that are rich in;

  • Vitamins D,
  • Zinc,
  • Iron,
  • Biotin (Vitamin B7). 

In this article we will go into the best foods for hair growth after a FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair transplant. By covering a diverse range of food groups we will tell you which food group you may consider incorporating to get the healthy hair you want. 

The journey to healthy hair growth after FUE recovery starts with nutrition!

protein-rich diet after hair transplant

Pre-FUE Hair Transplant Nutrition: Preparing your body for the operation

The success of a FUE hair transplant obviously lies with the skill of your surgeon, the quality of the hair clinic but the overall health of a patient is actually a factor that ensures longevity. The patient needs to be in good general health in order to prepare their body for the transplant operation ahead. With proper and adequate nutrition it is possible to prepare your body for FUE.

Pay attention to consuming foods rich in vitamins, minerals, lean protein and healthy fats which can be sourced from fresh fruits and vegetables. Not only will the consumption of these improve overall health but it will significantly help with providing fresh oxygen to hair follicles. Oxygen is crucial for the longevity and the health of the overall hair. 

Hydration is also icrucial as cells need it to maintain our bodily functions such as renovation and restoration. It will also help keep your body in peak moisture condition in the scalp area. This includes regulating the intake of caffeine-rich drinks like coffee or green tea. Unfortunatelly, caffeine can lead to water retention. 

In order to maintain hydration levels, it is also advised to stay away from processed foods. Morevoer, be careful of your sugar consumption levels. This will secure the body’s ability to restore and recover. 

How to diet after Follicular Unit Extraction?

Congratulations! The hard part is over. You have successfully completed the FUE hair transplantation and well on your way into recovery.

Please, take care of your scalp and follow instructions from your clinic about how to look after your new hairline. Plus, you should also pay close attention to how you take care of your body’s nutritional needs. In order to do so you should maintain an inclusive and consistent diet.

The ideal post-op diet for hair transplant should be rich in foods that not only improve your overall health but are specifically targeted to maintain hair health. For instance, fruits, vegetables that boost hair growth. In addition, whole grains and seeds along with dairy that is rich in calcium are all key ingredients that enable hair growth. Keeping up with a keratin-rich diet will make for stronger grafted follicles. Thus, it supports hair generation. We have curated nutrition groups that will help with hair rejuvenation and promote growth.

If you’d like to learn more about how to diet after FUE hair transplantation make sure to contact a nutrition specialist or dietician. Therefore, you can get your own regimen catered to your specific needs and goals. You can review Perseus Post Hair Transplant Hair Vitamin to meet your vitamin needs after procedure.

diet after hair transplant

Fruits after FUE

After transplant, fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants all 3 of which are crucial nutrients for growth. To nourish follicles with them that are fresh and vitamin-dense, eating fruits as part of your recovery will be beneficial.

They are excellent and fresh sources of vitamin C. Not only vitamin C is used in the absorption of other vitamins like iron. It also promotes collagen production.

NOTE: Collagen production is known to improve individual strands.

Citrus fruits are well-known sources of vitamin C. However, in addition to oranges, lemons or grapefruits you can consume kiwis and strawberries are also excellent sources of vitamin C.

Other berries like blackberries or raspberries are rich with antioxidants. They allow the scalp to combat oxygen-deficiency. One additional benefit of fresh fruit consumption is the fact that most fruits consist of water. Thus regular consumption of fruits also aids in hydration making them a great source of vitamin enriched water.

Vegetables that boost hair growth

In order to create the optimal scalp and hair follicles health, vegetables offer a variety of benefits. For example, they help with the creation of an optimal environment for hair growth and rejuvenation. Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale are known sources of Iron and Vitamin C. So, regular consumption of these vegetables promote overall scalp health and aid in the production of collagen in the body. Similarly broccoli can also promote virality and shine as it is rich in vitamins C and A. The creation of adequate sebum is important to enrich hair with natural oil and hydration. Vegetables with beta-carotene aid in the natural creation of sebum in the scalp. Particularly incorporating sweet-potatoes, leafy greens and squash will promote natural and healthy oil production.

Keratin-rich diet for stronger grafted follicles

It is essentially a protein that helps with structural integrity of hair strands and is considered essential after a hair transplant as hair strands need strengthening as they are recovering from the operation. Keeping keratin-rich foods in your diet will promote stronger grafted follicles and enhance the recovery benefits. Foods that are rich in vitamins A, D, protein and biotin are all foods that are keratin-rich. Consuming eggs and fresh fish regularly will make your diet rich in protein and healthy fats particularly omega-3 which will help keep your hair strong and resilient. If you are looking for plant-based alternatives for foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acid you can depend on nuts and seeds as well as legumes like chickpeas, lentils and beans. 

Whole grains and seeds to speed healing

Seeds and whole grains are a powerhouse packed with fiber and multi nutrients that strengthen hair follicles and enhance hair growth. Protein rich plant based grains are jam packed with vitamins that are crucial for tissue repair and healing like iron, zinc and vitamin B. Consuming quinoa, oats and brown rice are great sources of protein rich plant based grains. In order to reduce inflammation and possibly improve overall scalp health consuming foods that are rich in fatty omega 3 acids is the way to go. Nuts and seeds, particularly chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are delicious sources of plant based omega-3 acid and protein. Whole grains will not only speed healing but will also provide the essential nutrients for healthy hair growth.

Dairy for better hair health

Many people think dairy causes inflammation for the skin but it is a great source of protein and calcium when it comes to hair growth. Dairy products contain calcium which is a strengthening bond for not only bones but also hair. It also enhances the quality of hair by thickening and strengthening the hair. There are multiple sources of dairy for better hair health and they all include varying amounts of protein. Regular and programmed consumption of yogurt, milk and cheese will ensure not only hair health but also gut and bone health. 

Can I have milk after a hair transplant?

Milk is a great source of calcium and is a delicious treat. It couples well with a lot of different ingredients and makes up a great portion of various drinks. It is also nutrient packed with vitamin B12, protein and calcium which all promote hair growth. Additionally, it is very hydrating. Unless you are lactose-intolerant or have any sensitivities regarding dairy products milk is a great treat to have after a hair transplant.

Daily meal schedule: Diet after FUE hair grafting

Making sure to get all the proper nutrients after FUE is key in ensuring the transplanted hair’s health. We’ve created a perfect daily meal schedule that focuses on what a diet should be like after FUE hair grafting. If you need help you can contact a nutrition specialist or a dietician.

  1. Breakfast after FUE

  • 1-2 pieces of toasted bread (preferably whole grain)
  • 2 eggs (prepared whichever way you like)
  • 1 small cup of mixed berries

2. Snack consumption following surgery

  • 1 cup of unsweetened yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds (you can prepare this overnight for a pudding like consistency)
  • a handful of frozen berries
  • nuts and seeds of your choice

3. Healthy lunch after FUE

  • Grilled salmon of 1 small can of tuna
  • Quinoa Salad (lettuce, diced tomatoes, olives, quinoa, chickpeas with a simple vinaigrette) 

4. Dinner for FUE recovery

  • Oven baked sweet potatoes
  • Grilled tofu bites
  • Roasted vegetables ( we suggest broccoli and bell peppers for this particular combination)

5. Hydration Goals: 

Make sure to drink more than 8 cups of water every day. If you are going to consume caffeine-rich drinks make sure to increase water intake as caffeine may lead to retention of water and thus dehydration particularly for patients in recovery from a FUE hair transplant.

What diet should vegans follow after FUE hair transplantation?

Just like all carnivores, herbivores should be mindful of regularly consuming nutrient dense foods to support their hair recovery and growth. One thing they should be mindful of is consuming a satisfactory amount of plant-protein. For example in the diet we have provided above vegans can easily substitute animal products with their favorite vegan options. Instead of eggs they can opt for avocados which are also rich in healthy fats and omega-3 acid.

As a snack they can eat coconut-yogurt and make a chia pudding for a protein rich option. The grilled salmon can easily be replaced with falafel for that delicious and fulfilling protein option.

Vegans should follow a diet that is rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants but also make sure to consume enough plant-based protein to sustain themselves after a FUE hair transplantation.

breakfast after hair transplant surgery
yoghurt for surgery
fish after hair transplant procedure

How can I increase collagen levels through diet after FUE?

Collagen is responsible for ensuring skin elasticity whilst healing wounds and repairing skin barriers. This quality of collagen makes it very important for a patient who is in the recovery process. The best way to ensure collagen generation in the body is through nutrition. Consuming animal-based food items like bone broth, poultry and eggs. You can also consume fresh fruits, specifically vitamin C rich fruits which is essential for collagen synthesis in the body. This includes citrus fruits along with kiwis and berries. Plus, amino acids, nuts and seeds are the best foods for hair growth after FUE. They are not only good vegan options of protein but they are also responsible for collagen production in the body. 

The function of vitamins and minerals in hair growth after FUE type surgery

Vitamins and minerals play a vital function in the the best foods for hair growth after FUE type hair transplants. Vitamins A, C and D are crucial to maintain the hair rejuvenates and vitamins B (B7 and B12) make the hair strands and follicles strong. Morever, these vitamins help with blood circulation like Iron and Magnesium. Omega 3 and fatty acids aid in natural sebum production in the scalp as well as make your hair shinier and stronger.

Foods to Avoid for Healthy Hair Growth After FUE Hair Restoration

Nutrition affects our overall health more than we think. Regular consumption of certain goods deteriorates one’s health both physically and mentally. Thus staying away from certain food will definitely help as you are recovering from an operation, including but not limited to FUE Hair Restoration. 

  • Regular or over consumption of fast food, sugar, alcohol and smoking is not only bad for your hair health but will also risk your overall health. 

Consumption of all these foods in excess risks the integrity of your hair growth cycle and thus disrupts regular hair growth. For a patient recovering from a hair transplant breaking this cycle is one of the worst things they can do to their own hair and hinder their recovery. 

Q&A about Best Foods for Hair Growth

Why are antioxidants essential in nutrition after FUE hair restoration?

Antioxidants are the best way to reduce oxidative stress and thus protect hair follicles by preventing inflammation. During the healing process they help support the hair and they also support the hair growth cycle.

In order to make sure they are fully hydrated the patient recovering from a FUE hair transplant should make sure to drink around 2-2.5 liters of water daily which roughly translates to 8 to 10 cups of water.

The general consensus around eating 3 main meals and 2 snacks a day can be applied to a patient recovering from FUE hair transplant. In order to ensure that the nutrition intake is controlled a balanced eating schedule is optimal. Avoid overloading your meal schedule and make sure not to eat too much or too little. 

Even though spicy foods are delicious they may not be tolerable after a hair transplant. This is because the body is in recovery and spicy foods may cause irritation or swelling. The potential discomfort the consumption of spicy foods can trigger can be an inconvenience for recovering patients. 

Yes, you can eat chocolate if you want after a hair transplant. However, make sure to avoid excessive consumption. You need to lay off excessive sugar for a while so making moderate and smart choices can be wise. You may also opt for dark chocolate that is rich with antioxidants to reach your nutrition goals. 

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